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Attend Today and Achieve Tomorrow

We believe that, in order for a student to fully benefit from their education, good attendance is crucial. It is the policy of our school to celebrate achievement. Full attendance is a critical factor to help achieve a productive and successful school career.  


Our Attendance Aims: 


  • To improve student attendance and punctuality, therefore improving their outcomes. 

  • To ensure student entitlement to a full-time education is monitored and supported. 

  • To encourage students and parents/carers to comply with the legal requirements of school attendance. 

  • To encourage and reward good habits of attendance and punctuality. 

  • To ensure presence at all lessons and timetabled activities. 



Studies clearly show that students who attend school regularly achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. 


17 missed school days per year equates to a GCSE grade drop 



If your child is unable to attend school, for any reason, we would ask that you let us know about their absence as soon as you are able on the first day that they cannot attend. 


Please report your child’s absence using ParentMail where possible, otherwise call the absence line on 01271 812221 to leave a message stating your child’s name, year group and specific reason for absence. 


The Government’s view is that every minute of every school day is vital and that students should only be granted authorised absences by the school in ‘exceptional circumstances’. An absence form needs to be collected, completed and returned to the Attendance Officer if you are requesting planned time off school. 


A family holiday is not normally considered by the Government to be an ‘exceptional circumstance’ and therefore will not be authorised by this school. We understand the disappointment that this refusal may cause but, as you can appreciate, this policy represents the school’s responsibility and commitment towards providing your child’s education and supporting their future life opportunities.


Poor attendance (below 96%) is one of the single biggest blocks to student achievement as they start to fall behind in their learning.  When students return, they can find themselves struggling with the work and being behind their peers. This in turn will often have a further negative impact, not only on their learning, but also on their happiness and wellbeing due to increased anxiety levels.  This is the case whether absence is due to term-time holidays, illnesses or truancy - not being present in school disadvantages children. 


















If you can improve your attendance by 1%, you will see a 5-6% improvement in attainment.  (DfES)


We recognise that parents have a vital role to play to prepare students to succeed in life. Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly and punctually - only keeping them off if absolutely necessary. There is a need to establish strong home-school links and communication systems that can be utilised whenever there is concern about attendance.


If there are problems that affect a student's attendance we will investigate, identify and strive in partnership with parents and students to resolve those problems, as quickly and efficiently as possible. We will adopt a clearly focused approach aimed at returning the student to full attendance at all times. We ask that parents liaise with the Attendance Officer and tutor where help is needed to ensure a child is happy and attending school.


Where possible, please avoid making appointments during the school day. If this is unavoidable then please ensure that your child attends school before or after the appointment.


Absence Request form



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