The Academy wants to develop its students as leaders and sees the role of the Prefect as a great opportunity for young people to work alongside the staff in a meaningful leadership role.
Students are invited to apply to become a Prefect in the summer term of Y10. The process involves a formal letter of application and an interview with the respective Head of Year. It is a good preparation also for College or job interviews.
Prefects are all invited to apply for the Senior Student Leadership roles (Head Girl/Boy) by formal letter and are invited to speak to students and staff. Following this, an election takes place with vote blocks allocated to students, staff and the Senior Leadership team. It is a rigorous process and this year, the Academy had 23 applications for these leading positions.
A small budget is allocated to the Senior Student Leadership team to support their Improvement Plan.
Prefects undergo training to develop their leadership and assertiveness skills so that they can undertake duties with senior staff at lunch times at key places around the school. They also are a point of contact for younger students who may have questions or concerns that want to share. In addition our prefects conduct tours for prospective parents at our open evening in September and may be invited to meet VIPs who visit our school from time to time.
Senior Student Leadership Team represent 'student voice' on the Governing Body.
Our Senior Prefects who include the Head Girl, Head Boy and their respective Deputies and Assistants form a Senior Student Leadership Team and they are invited to attend the Governors' 'Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Committee' and the Full Governing Body meeting, too. They make a significant contribution to the running of the school by voicing the views of the students, meeting with the Academy Principal on a fortnightly basis.
2024 - 2025 Principal Students
Principal Students: Charlie and Emily
Vice Principal Students: Tom and Issi